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Blender Double Sided Material

Blender tutorial video shows how to make double sided material into a face, in this video, we will use playing card for demonstration. In first part of video, we will shows how to make playing card 3D model in Blender. Then, we can add material into playing card, that material will be added 2 textured with double sided. All steps will be shown in this Blender tutorial video. Happy sharing and I hope this helps. More Blender Tutorial are available here.

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Blender Double Sided Material for playing cards

We ca follow these steps to make double sided material in Blender,

1. Add an object in 3D scene

2. Select the object and Go to Shader Editor

3. Add Material

4. Then Principled BSDF shader node is added

5. Add Image Texture Node that link to Principled BSDF Shader node

6. Add external image into Image Texture node

7. Copy and Paste the two Principled BSDF node and Image Texture Node

8. Replace Image into Image Texture Node

9. Add Mix Shader that link to both Principled BSDF Shader node

10. Add Geometry Node

11. Connect backfacing to Factor in Mix Shader

Then, we can double sided material for an object. All steps are also shown in above tutorial video visually. Watch here.

by [email protected]
Have fun with CG. Let’s Create!
#cgian #aritstB #b3d #blender

Continuous Reading:
How to make Gradient Texture Material in Blender
Blender Bake Texture from material
Blender Material Library Download Page

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