Blender basics, tutorial video shows how to make metallic material in Blender. After adding an object, we can add Principled BSDF shader as a new material. In material setting, we can turn metallic to 1 to make it to be metallic looking. Furthermore, we can change colour and we can change roughness. All these steps are easy to follow for Blender beginners. Happy sharing and I hope this helps. More Blender Tutorial are available here.
How to make metallic material in Blender
We can follow these steps to make metallic in material,
1. Select an object, and go to Material Properties, and Add a New Material
2. Principled BSDF shader is then added
3. Turn Metallic to 1 to make it metallic looking
4. Change roughness to 0.3
5. We can go to Base Colour to change colour
Alternatively, we can watch all these steps in this video visually. Watch here,
Timestamp 0:00 Blender Metallic Material 0:12 Add Object 0:24 Switch to Render Preview 0:33 Add new Material 0:38 Set Material to Metallic 1:01 Change metallic color