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How to extrude vertex, extrude edge, and extrude face in Blender

Blender tutorial video shows how we can extrude vertex, extrude edge, and extrude face in Blender. In this tutorial, we will add a plane and extrude a plane. There are 3 options to extrude using a plane. First is extrude vertex, second is extrude edge, and then third is extrude a face. After that , we will show how to extrude a plane to be a 3D cube. Also, we will shows how to extrude multiple face by using Extrude Individual Faces. All steps are easy to follow for Blender beginners. Happy sharing and I hope this helps. More Blender Tutorial are available here.

How to extrude vertex, extrude edge, and extrude face in Blender

We can follow below steps to extrude vertex, extrude edge, and extrude face in Blender, we will use a plane in this example.

1. Go to Add > Mesh, and choose Plane to add a plane.

2. Select the plane and go to Edit Mode.

3. Switch to Vertex Selection, and select a vertex, and press shortcut E to extrude

4. Move cursor to location that you want, and then click Left Mouse Button to apply it.

Then we can extrude a vertex in Edit Mode in Blender. Furthermore, we will also show how to extrude an edge, extrude a face and extrude individual faces in this YouTube tutorial video. Watch here.

Blender How to extrude a plane and extrude individual faces

Intro – Extrude Faces in Blender
0:12 Add a plane
0:22 Go to Edit Mode
0:32 Extrude Vertex
0:51 Extrude Edge
0:57 Extrude along Axis
1:24 Extrude Face
1:50 Extrude Multiple Faces
2:12 Extrude Individual Faces

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by [email protected]
#cgian #aritstB #b3d #blender

Continuous Reading:
How to add subdivision surface modifier in Blender with shortcut
How to make hole in face in Blender
Blender add vertex to center of face
Blender How to use Boolean Modifier

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