After Effects basics, tutorial video shows how to move layers up and down in After Effects. We can use shortcuts to move layers up and down in composition in After Effects. To move layer up, we can use Ctrl ] . To move layer down, we can use shortcuts Ctrl ]. Also, we can use shortcuts to move layers altogether. These shortcuts are easy to use for After Effects beginners. Happy sharing and I hope this helps. More After Effects Tutorial are available here.
How to move layers up and down in After Effects
We can follow these steps and shortcuts to move layers up and down,
1. Select a layer that we want to move
2. Use shortcut Ctrl ] to move layer up
3. Use shortcut Ctrl [ to move layer down
4. Use shortcut Shift Ctrl ] to move layer to the top
5. Use shortcut Shift Ctrl [ to move layer to the down
Alternatively, we will show all these steps and shortcuts in this video visually, watch here,
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0:00 Intro – How to move layers up and down in AE
0:16 move layer with Light Mouse Button
0:34 Layer Arrange Shortcut
0:43 Shortcut Ctrl [ to move down
0:48 Shortcut Ctrl } to move up
by [email protected]
Have fun with CG. Let’s Create!
#cgian #adobe #aftereffects #tutorial
Continuous Reading:
After Effects Track Matte tutorial for text layer
How to add text shadow and layer shadow in After Effects
How to skew in After Effects
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