How to make a simple rock and mock material in Blender
Here will show the steps how we can use Addon to generate a rock with one click and make a simple rock material
1. Go to Edit > Preferences, select Get Extensions
2. Search Extra Mesh objects, and Install this addon
3. Then, go to Add > Mesh, click Rock Generator to create a simple rock
4. We can open the Create Rock panel to customize the rock shape
5. After making rock 3D model, we can add a new material to this object in Shader Editor
6. Then add Noise Texture and connect Factor to Base color of Principled BSDF shader node
7. Adjust the numbers in Noise texture
8. Add Color Ramp node in between Noise Texture and Principled BSDF shader node, for adjusting rock color.
Alternative, we show all these steps visually in this YouTube Tutorial Video, watch here,
0:00 Intro – How to make a rock using Blender
0:17 Activate Addon Extra Mesh Objects
0:30 Blender Rock Generator
0:42 Presets for different types of rock and stone
1:17 Create simple Rock texture and material in shader editor