Grid Pattern Photoshop tutorial video shows how we can make grid pattern. In this tutorial, we will go through how to define a square grid pattern in Photoshop, then, we can use this pattern to apply on another artboard. Then, we can create grid pattern in Photoshop. All steps will be shown in this Photoshop tutorial video, happy sharing and I hope this helps. More Adobe Photoshop Tutorial are available here.
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How to create grid pattern in Photoshop
We can follow below steps to create grid pattern in Photoshop
1. Create a new document that in square proportion
2. Add a shape like a Cross
3. Go to Edit, and choose Define Patterns
4. Then Pattern is added into Photoshop
5. Open another document
6. We can use a rectangle tool to draw a rectangle shape
7. In fill color, we can choose Pattern
8. Choose the Pattern that we created in steps 2 and 3.
Alternative, all steps are shown visually in this YouTube tutorial video. Watch here.
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