How to add HDRI background in Blender
We can follow these steps to add HDRI background in Blender,
1. After starting Blender with scene, in top left corner of viewport, we can switch Edit Type to Shader Editor
2. Then, switch Shader Type from Object to World
3. We can use Shift A to add shader node, search Environment Texture, then select it to add
4. Connect Color of Environment Texture to Color of Background
5. Click Open in Environment Texture
6. Select HDRI image and click Open image
Then, HDRI environment is added into 3D scene. Steps are also shown in this tutorial video, watch here,
0:00 Intro – How to use HDRI in Blender
0:21 Add object into scene
0:39 Add Material to object
1:07 Add HDRI to environment
1:28 Add Environment texture
1:46 Blender default HDRI
2:07 Works for Eevee and Cycles