Tutorial video shows After Effects how to make video longer. We can use After Effects for creating motion graphic and editing video. In this video, we will show the steps how to make video longer. There are 2 ways to make video longer. First way, we can use time stretch ; the second way, we can use time remap and adjust keyframes in composition. We will go through these 2 ways in this After Effects Tutorial video. Happy sharing and I hope this helps. More After Effects Tutorial are available here.
After Effects how to make video longer
We can follow the steps to make video longer using Time Stretch,
1. Import video footage in After Effects Project
2. In Project, select the video footage and rick click, and choose New Comp from Selection
3. Select the composition in timeline, and go to Composition > Composition Settings
4. Increase the time in Duration for extending timeline
5. Then, select the video footage, right click and go to Time > Time Stretch
6. Increase % in Stretch Factor
7. Press OK to make video longer
Alternatively, we can use time remap for making video longer. We will go through the steps for using Time Remap and Time Stretch in this After Effects tutorial video, watch here,
0:00 Intro – How to make video longer
0:12 Import Video Footage into After Effects
0:46 Increase Duration of composition
1:15 Time Stretch
1:51 Time Remap
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Continuous Reading:
After Effects time remapping tutorial
How to lengthen timeline in After Effects
After Effects how to make triangle
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