If clipping mask not working in Photoshop, try this. Here is a quick PS tutorial video showing how to make a clipping mask with shortcut. We can use shortcut Alt + Ctrl + G to make a clipping mask in Photoshop in Windows. Also, we can make clipping mask in Layers Windows with shortcut Alt. We will go through the steps how to make clipping mask in Photoshop, happy sharing and I hope this helps. More Adobe Photoshop Tutorial are available here.
How to make a clipping mask in Photoshop with shortcut
We can follow below steps to make clipping mask using a image layer and a mask layer.
1. Make sure that we can 2 layers, one is image layer, another is mask layer
2. Put image layer on top of mask layer in Layers Windows
3. Move cursor in between image layer and mask layer, and use shortcut Alt + Click
Then, image layer will be added a clipping mask by mask layer.
Alternative, we can follow the steps in this video visually, watch here,
0:00 Intro – How to create clipping mask in Photoshop
0:12 Open image in Photoshop
0:21 Create 2 layers in Layers Windows
1:32 Create Clipping Mask with shortcuts
1:57 Modify Clipping Mask
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Continuous Reading:
How to make Layer Mask and Vector Mask in Photoshop
How to feather edge of image in Photoshop
Photoshop how to remove background to transparent
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