Photopea basics tutorial video shows how to copy and paste a selection in Photopea. Photopea is a free online application that we can use it for photo editing. In this tutorial, we will go through how to copy and paste a selection in image with shortcut Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V. Also, we can copy and paste a layer if necessary. All these steps are easy for Photopea Beginners. Happy sharing and I hope this helps. More Photopea Tutorials are available here.
How to copy and paste a selection in Photopea
We can follow these steps to copy and paste a selection in Photopea,
1. Open an image in Photopea
2. Select the layer that we want to copy
3. Select area of image that we want to copy and paste, we will use Lasso Select in this example
4. Make selection by clicking and holding Left Mouse Button, and release button to close the selection area.
5. Press Shortcut Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V to copy and paste
Then, the selected area will be pasted into new layer.
Alternative, all these steps are also shown in this tutorial video, watch here,
0:00 Intro – Photopea Copy and Paste
0:16 Open image in Photopea
0:27 Make selection
0:46 Shortcut to Copy and Paste the selection
1:26 Copy and Paste Layer
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Continuous Reading:
Photopea how to rotate image
How to crop a layer in Photopea
How to add multiple images in Photopea
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