After Effects Basics, tutorial video shows steps for After Effects Text On Path. We can use After Effects to make motion graphics and text animation. In this tutorial, we will show the steps to make Text on path. Therefore, we can add motion or animation presets in next steps. We will go through all the steps to make text on path in the tutorial. Happy sharing and I hope this helps. More After Effects Tutorial are available here.
After Effects Text On Path Tutorial
We can follow these steps to make text on path,
1. After creating a composition, we can add text using Horizontal Type Tool
2. Type the character we want to show
3. Make sure to select this Text Layer in Composition
4. Add a Path using Pen Tool
5. Open Text Layer > Text > Path Options
6. Choose Mask 1 in Path
Then Texts will be on Path. Alternatively, all steps will be shown in this tutorial video, we can watch here,
0:00 Intro – How to type on path in After Effects
0:17 Add Text using Horizontal Type Tool
0:33 Show Properties Window
0:48 Change Font Type and Font Size
1:10 Adda Path for curve text
1:35 Path Options
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Continuous Reading:
After Effects Text Animation Presets Preview , Animate In
How to make After Effects 3D Text Tutorial
How to make text wavy in After Effects
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