How to make Blender mirror reflection surface plane for Eevee and Cycles
We can follow below steps to make Blender mirror reflection surface plane for Eevee and Cycles
1. Go to Add > Mesh, and add a plane
2. Select the plane, and go to Material Properties to add a new material
3. In Principled BSDF shader, we can set base color to white, metallic to 1, and roughness to 0
4. Then, we can a reflective plane for Cycles
5. If using Eevee, we can check the box Raytracing in Render Properties
6. Then, go to Add > Light Probe, and choose Plane
7. Move the Light Probe Plane to same location with the reflective plane that added in step 1.
Then, we have set the plane to be Reflective Surface for Eevee.
Alternative, all steps are also shown in this tutorial video visually, watch here,
0:00 Intro – Blender Reflective Surface
0:10 Setup 3D scene with environment and 3D object
0:41 Select Render Engine to Cycles
0:47 Add Plane
1:13 Add Reflective Material
1:43 Reflective Surface using Eevee
1:54 Set Raytracing in Eevee
2:01 Add Light Probe