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Water Splash 3D model in Crown Shape | Download

This is a Water Splash 3D model in Crown Shape Showcase video, which is a 360 turntable animation rendered. The 3D Splash Water created by FX by using Maya and Bifrost. The 3D Model is applying Water shader now, you can apply to make it to be Milk or Juice or Chocolate by your own texture shader. Thank you for watching this video, hope this video helps. The 3D model can be download at this link, Splash Water 3D Model Crown Shape.

Water Splash Effect, 3D Model in Crown Shape

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#cgian #aritstB #b3d #blender

Continues Reading :
How to Create Water Simulation in Text Shape by using Bifrost
Create Spiral Splash Water along a path – Maya Bifrost Tutorial
Download Cup 3D Model

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