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What is Computer Graphics?

What is Computer Graphics?

Image data processing and computer graphics are referred to graphics that created by computers. More specifically, special software and hardware are used to display and control image data on a computer. The development of computer graphics makes it easier for users to interact with computers and better understand and interpret various types of information. The development of computer graphics has had a profound impact on multiple media and has revolutionized the animation, film, and video game industries.


The broad sense of computer graphics in academia is used to describe “everything in the computer except words and sounds.” Generally, computer graphics academically refers to the following things:

  • Use computer to express or process image data
  • Various techniques used to create or process images
  • Produced image
  • Research on digital synthesis and processing visual content in the field of computer science, see Computer Graphics

Nowadays, computers and computer-generated images (CGI) touch many aspects of daily life. Computer images appear on televisions, newspapers and other places, and at the same time play a role in weather forecasts, medical investigations, and surgical operations. A well-structured chart can present complex statistics in a way that is easier to understand and explain. In the media, “Such diagrams can be used to illustrate files, reports, papers,” and other presentation materials.

Many powerful tools have been developed to visualize data. Computer-generated images can be divided into several types: two-dimensional, three-dimensional and animation. With the improvement of technology, 3D computer graphics have become more and more common, but two-dimensional computer graphics are still widely used. In the past ten years, applications in other specialized fields have been developed, such as: information visualization and scientific visualization, among which more are related to the “visualization of three-dimensional phenomena (architecture, meteorology, medicine, biology, etc.)”, emphasizing It is the true rendering of volume, surface, light source, etc., which may be a component of dynamic (time).

Thank you for reading. Hope this can help!

Continous Reading :
What is CGI ? Benefits to use CGI technology
3D Rendering vs Photography, for Product E-commercial Marketing
Digital Art – Campbell Tomato Soup Can inspired by Andy Warhol – 3D CG Animation

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