This is simple setting for Blender High Polished Chrome Metal Material using Principled BSDF Shader, that is suitable for any users who want to quick setup the high polished metal material. Below will show how to set this chrome material, and how we can adjust it. Furthermore, this material ball is also available to download for your personal uses or educational uses.
Blender High Polished Chrome Material
This is the screenshot from Shader Edit. This Chrome Material is setting up with using one Principled BSDF Node, basic and simple. In the Principled BSDF Node, we can make these 4 things to get this Chrome Material.
1. Change Basic Color to Light Gray, I use color code #DBE2E9.
2. Then, we can adjust Metallic to 1, to make it looking like metal,
3. And then adjust Roughness to 0 to make it shiny,
4. Set Clearcoat to 1, to make this metal looking with coating.
Then, this simple Chrome Material has been done.

The .blend file is shared and available to download for education use, not for commercial, login and go to Blender Material Library for downloading this material.
Hope this helps. More Blender Tutorial, Tips and Tricks are available here.
Have fun with CGI, to make it simple.
#cgian #aritstB #b3d #blender
Continues Reading :
How to Add Principled BSDF in Blender
Blender Brushed Aluminium Metal Material Setup
Blender Bronze Material, High Polished Finishing Metal
Realistic Transparent Glass Material Shader in Blender
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