Blender basics tutorial to show how to add vertex to edge. We can use Subdivide to add vertex in middle of edge in Edit Mode in Blender. Below steps show how to add vertex to edge. Hope this helps. Moreover, the video at the bottom will go through all the steps in YouTube Tutorial, please have a look.
Blender add vertex to edge
1. Select 3D object and go to Edit Mode,

2. Make sure that we switch to Vertex Selection Mode on the top-left concern of viewport. Then select the 2 vertices on the edge
3. Right Click to open Vertex Context Menu, and choose Subdivide,

4. Then, vertex is added in the middle of edge. Furthermore, we can open Subdivide Panel at bottom left, to add more vertices or make other adjustments.

Full YouTube Tutorial going through step by step, watch How to add vertex in Blender .
Hope this helps. More Blender Tutorial, Tips and Tricks are available here.
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Continuous Reading:
How to use Bezier curve in Blender
How to extrude along normals in Blender
Blender Merge Vertices
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